Package 'qrcmNP'

Title: Nonlinear and Penalized Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling
Description: Nonlinear and Penalized parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions. Sottile G, Frumento P, Chiodi M and Bottai M (2020) <doi:10.1177/1471082X19825523>.
Authors: Gianluca Sottile [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Gianluca Sottile <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 0.2.1
Built: 2025-02-25 04:15:58 UTC

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Nonlinear and Penalized Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling


This package implements a nonlinear Frumento and Bottai's (2016) method for quantile regression coefficient modeling (qrcm), in which quantile regression coefficients are described by (flexible) parametric functions of the order of the quantile. In the classical qrcm framework the linearity in β(p)\beta(p) and/or in θ\theta could be relaxed at a cost of more complicated expressions for the ojective and the gradient functions. Here, we propose an efficiently algorithm to use more flexible structures for the regression coefficients. With respect to the most famous function nlrq (quantreg package) our main function niqr implements the integrated quantile regression idea of Frumento and Bottai's (2016) for nonlinear functions. As already known, this practice allows to estimate quantiles all at one time and not one at a time. This package also implements a penalized Frumento and Bottai's (2015) method for quantile regression coefficient modeling (qrcm). This package fits lasso qrcm using pathwise coordinate descent algorithm. With respect to some other packages which implements the L1-quantile regression (e.g. quantreg, rqPen) estimating quantiles one at a time our proposal allows to estimate the conditional quantile function parametrically estimating quantiles all at one and to do variable selction in the meanwhile.


Package: qrcmNP
Type: Package
Version: 0.2.1
Date: 2024-01-22
License: GPL-2

The function niqr permits specifying nonlinear basis for each variables. The function testfit.niqr permits to do goodness of fit. The auxiliary functions summary.niqr, predict.niqr, and plot.niqr can be used to extract information from the fitted model. The function piqr permits specifying the lasso regression model. The function gof.piqr permits to select the best tuning parameter through AIC, BIC, GIC and GCV criteria. The auxiliary functions summary.piqr, predict.piqr, and plot.piqr can be used to extract information from the fitted model.


Gianluca Sottile

Maintainer: Gianluca Sottile <[email protected]>


Sottile G, Frumento P, Chiodi M, Bottai M. (2020). A penalized approach to covariate selection through quantile regression coefficient models. Statistical Modelling, 20(4), pp 369-385. doi:10.1177/1471082X19825523.

Frumento, P., and Bottai, M. (2016). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions. Biometrics, 72(1), pp 74-84, doi:10.1111/biom.12410.

Friedman, J., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2008). Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent. Journal of Statistical Software, Vol. 33(1), pp 1-22 Feb 2010.


# use simulated data

n <- 300
x <- runif(n)
fun <- function(theta, p){
  beta0 <- theta[1] + exp(theta[2]*p)
  beta1 <- theta[3] + theta[4]*p
  cbind(beta0, beta1)}
beta <- fun(c(1,1,1,1), runif(n))
y <- beta[, 1] + beta[, 2]*x
model <- niqr(fun=fun, x0=rep(0, 4), X=cbind(1,x), y=y)

# use simulated data

n <- 300
x1 <- rexp(n)
x2 <- runif(n, 0, 5)
x <- cbind(x1,x2)

b <- function(p){matrix(cbind(1, qnorm(p), slp(p, 2)), nrow=4, byrow=TRUE)}
theta <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=4); theta[, 1] <- 1; theta[1,2] <- 1; theta[2:3,3] <- 2
qy <- function(p, theta, b, x){rowSums(x * t(theta %*% b(p)))}

y <- qy(runif(n), theta, b, cbind(1, x))

s <- matrix(1, nrow=3, ncol=4); s[1,3:4] <- 0
obj <- piqr(y ~ x1 + x2, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)) + slp(p, 2), s=s, nlambda=50)

best <- gof.piqr(obj, method="AIC", plot=FALSE)
best2 <- gof.piqr(obj, method="BIC", plot=FALSE)

summary(obj, best$posMinLambda)
summary(obj, best2$posMinLambda)

Goodness of Fit of Penalized Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling


Goodness of Fit of an object of class “piqr”, usefull to select the best tuning parameter.


gof.piqr(object, method=c("BIC","AIC"), Cn="1", plot=TRUE,, logi=TRUE, ...)



an object of class “piqr”, the result of a call to piqr.


a method to evaluate the goodness of fit and select the best value of the tuning parameter.


It is some positive constant that diverges to infinity as n increase. It is used by the BIC criterion and if Cn = 1 the classical BIC is used.

if TRUE degrees of freedom are evaluated as the number of

βj(pθ)!=0,j=1,,q\beta_j(p | \theta) != 0, j = 1,\ldots, q



if TRUE the loss function is log-transformed.


if TRUE the chosen method is plotted - default is TRUE.


additional arguments.


The best value of lambda is chosen minimizing the criterion, i.e., AIC and BIC.



the best value of lambda.


the number of nonzero parameters associated to the best lambda.


the parameters associated to the best lambda.


the position of the best lambda along the sequence of lambda.


the matched call.


Gianluca Sottile [email protected]

See Also

piqr, for model fitting; summary.piqr and plot.piqr, for summarizing and plotting piqr objects.


# using simulated data

n <- 300
x1 <- rexp(n)
x2 <- runif(n, 0, 5)
x <- cbind(x1,x2)

b <- function(p){matrix(cbind(1, qnorm(p), slp(p, 2)), nrow=4, byrow=TRUE)}
theta <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=4); theta[, 1] <- 1; theta[1,2] <- 1; theta[2:3,3] <- 2
qy <- function(p, theta, b, x){rowSums(x * t(theta %*% b(p)))}

y <- qy(runif(n), theta, b, cbind(1, x))

s <- matrix(1, nrow=3, ncol=4); s[1,3:4] <- 0
obj <- piqr(y ~ x1 + x2, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)) + slp(p, 2), s=s, nlambda=50)

best <- gof.piqr(obj, method="AIC", plot=TRUE)
best2 <- gof.piqr(obj, method="BIC", plot=TRUE)

Nonlinear Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling


This package implements a nonlinear Frumento and Bottai's (2015) method for quantile regression coefficient modeling (qrcm), in which quantile regression coefficients are described by (flexible) parametric functions of the order of the quantile.


niqr(fun, fun2, x0, X, y, control=list())



a function of theta and p describing the beta functions.


a function of beta and X describing the whole quantile process.


starting values to search minimum.


a design matrix containing the intercept.


the response variable.


a list of control parameters. See 'Details'.


Quantile regression permits modeling conditional quantiles of a response variabile, given a set of covariates.

Assume that each coefficient can be expressed as a parametric function of θ,p\theta, p of the form:

β(θ,p)=b0(θ0,p)+b1(θ1,p)+b2(θ2,p)+.\beta(\theta, p) = b_0(\theta_0, p) + b_1(\theta_1, p) + b_2(\theta_2 , p) + \ldots.

Users are required to specify a function of θ\theta and p and to provide starting points for the minimization, the design matrix (with intercept) and the response variable. Some control paramters such as, tol=1e-6, α=.1\alpha=.1, β=.5\beta=.5, maxit=200, maxitstart=20, cluster=NULL, display=FALSE, ϵ=1e12\epsilon=1e-12, a1=.001, h1=1e-4, meth="2", lowp=.01, upp=.99, np=100 could be modified from their default. α\alpha and β\beta are parameters for line search, tol, epsilon, maxit, and a1 are parameters for quasi Newthod approach, maxit start is the maximum number of iteration for guessing the best start values, h1 and meth (method) are parameters for the gradient (method="2" is centered formula, it is possible to select "1" for right and "3" for five points stencil), lowp, upp and np are parameters used in the integral formula, and cluster if not NULL is a vector of ID to compute standard errors in longitudinal data. fun_prime_theta and fun_prime_beta are the gradient functions of the quantile function with respect to θ\theta and β\beta


An object of class “niqr”, a list containing the following items:


the matched call.


the optimal θ\theta values.


standard errors for θ\theta.


the value of the minimized integrated loss function.


the gradient calculated in the optimal points.


the hessian of quasi newthon method


gradient matrix used in the sandwich formaula to compute standard errors.


variance covariance matrix H(1)ΩH(1).H^(-1)\Omega H^(-1).

the CDF calculated in the optimal x values.


the convergence code, 0 for convergence, 1 for maxit reached, 2 no more step in the gradient.


a list containing some initial and control object.


Gianluca Sottile [email protected]


Frumento, P., and Bottai, M. (2015). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions. Biometrics, doi: 10.1111/biom.12410.

See Also

summary.niqr, plot.niqr, predict.niqr, for summary, plotting, and prediction. testfit.niqr for goodness of fit.


n <- 300
x <- runif(n)
fun <- function(theta, p){
  beta0 <- theta[1] + exp(theta[2]*p)
  beta1 <- theta[3] + theta[4]*p
  cbind(beta0, beta1)}
beta <- fun(c(1,1,1,1), runif(n))
y <- beta[, 1] + beta[, 2]*x
model <- niqr(fun=fun, x0=rep(.5, 4), X=cbind(1,x), y=y)

## Not run: 
# NOT RUN---qgamma function
n <- 1000
x <- runif(n)
fun2 <- function(theta, p){
  beta0 <- theta[1] + qgamma(p, exp(theta[2]), exp(theta[3]))
  beta1 <- theta[4] + theta[5]*p
  cbind(beta0, beta1)
beta <- fun2(c(1,2,2,1,1), runif(n))
y <- beta[, 1] + beta[, 2]*x
model <- niqr(fun=fun2, x0=rep(.5, 5), X=cbind(1,x), y=y)

# NOT RUN---qbeta function
n <- 1000
x <- runif(n)
fun3 <- function(theta, p){
  beta0 <- theta[1] + theta[2]*qbeta(p, exp(theta[3]), exp(theta[4]))
  beta1 <- theta[5] + theta[6]*p
  cbind(beta0, beta1)
beta <- fun3(c(1,1.5,.5,.2,1,1), runif(n))
y <- beta[, 1] + beta[, 2]*x
model <- niqr(fun=fun3, x0=rep(.5, 6), X=cbind(1,x), y=y)

# NOT RUN---qt function
n <- 1000
x <- runif(n)
fun4 <- function(theta, p){
  beta0 <- theta[1] + exp(theta[2])*qt(p, 1+exp(theta[3]), exp(theta[4]))
  beta1 <- theta[5] + theta[6]*p
  cbind(beta0, beta1)
beta <- fun4(c(1,.5,.3,.2,1,1), runif(n))
y <- beta[, 1] + beta[, 2]*x
model <- niqr(fun=fun4, x0=rep(.5, 6), X=cbind(1,x), y=y)

## End(Not run)

# see the documentation for 'summary.piqr', and 'plot.piqr'

Penalized Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling


This package implements a penalized Frumento and Bottai's (2016) method for quantile regression coefficient modeling (qrcm), in which quantile regression coefficients are described by (flexible) parametric functions of the order of the quantile. This package fits lasso qrcm using pathwise coordinate descent algorithm.


piqr(formula, formula.p = ~ slp(p, 3), weights, data, s, nlambda=100,
     lambda.min.ratio=ifelse(nobs<nvars, 0.01, 0.0001), lambda,
     tol=1e-6, maxit=100, display=TRUE)



a two-sided formula of the form y ~ x1 + x2 + ...: a symbolic description of the quantile regression model.


a one-sided formula of the form ~ b1(p, ...) + b2(p, ...) + ..., describing how quantile regression coefficients depend on p, the order of the quantile.


an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process.


an optional data frame, list or environment containing the variables in formula.


an optional 0/1 matrix that permits excluding some model coefficients (see ‘Examples’).


the number of lambda values - default is 100.


Smallest value for lambda, as a fraction of lambda.max. The default depends on the sample size nobs relative to the number of variables nvars. If nobs > nvars, the default is 0.0001, close to zero. If nobs < nvars, the default is 0.01.


A user supplied lambda sequence.


if TRUE something is printed - default is TRUE.


convergence criterion for numerical optimization - default is 1e-6.


maximum number of iterations - default is 100.


Quantile regression permits modeling conditional quantiles of a response variabile, given a set of covariates. A linear model is used to describe the conditional quantile function:

Q(px)=β0(p)+β1(p)x1+β2(p)x2+.Q(p | x) = \beta_0(p) + \beta_1(p)x_1 + \beta_2(p)x_2 + \ldots.

The model coefficients β(p)\beta(p) describe the effect of covariates on the pp-th quantile of the response variable. Usually, one or more quantiles are estimated, corresponding to different values of pp.

Assume that each coefficient can be expressed as a parametric function of pp of the form:

β(pθ)=θ0+θ1b1(p)+θ2b2(p)+\beta(p | \theta) = \theta_{0} + \theta_1 b_1(p) + \theta_2 b_2(p) + \ldots

where b1(p),b2(p,)b_1(p), b_2(p, \ldots) are known functions of pp. If qq is the dimension of x=(1,x1,x2,)x = (1, x_1, x_2, \ldots) and kk is that of b(p)=(1,b1(p),b2(p),)b(p) = (1, b_1(p), b_2(p), \ldots), the entire conditional quantile function is described by a q×kq \times k matrix θ\theta of model parameters.

Users are required to specify two formulas: formula describes the regression model, while formula.p identifies the 'basis' b(p)b(p). By default, formula.p = ~ slp(p, k = 3), a 3rd-degree shifted Legendre polynomial (see slp). Any user-defined function b(p,)b(p, \ldots) can be used, see ‘Examples’.

Estimation of penalized θ\theta is carried out by minimizing a penalized integrated loss function, corresponding to the integral, over pp, of the penalized loss function of standard quantile regression. This motivates the acronym piqr (penalized integrated quantile regression).

See details in iqr


An object of class “piqr”, a list containing the following items:


the matched call.


The actual sequence of lambda values used.


a list of estimated model parameters describing the fitted quantile function along the path.


the value of the minimized integrated loss function for each value of lambda.


a matrix of gradient values along the path.


The number of nonzero coefficients for each value of lambda.


a list containg each matrix s for each value of lambda.


a list containing some initial object.


By expressing quantile regression coefficients as functions of pp, a parametric model for the conditional quantile function is specified. The induced PDF and CDF can be used as diagnostic tools. Negative values of PDF indicate quantile crossing, i.e., the conditional quantile function is not monotonically increasing. Null values of PDF indicate observations that lie outside the estimated support of the data, defined by quantiles of order 0 and 1. If null or negative PDF values occur for a relatively large proportion of data, the model is probably misspecified or ill-defined. If the model is correct, the fitted CDF should approximately follow a Uniform(0,1) distribution. This idea is used to implement a goodness-of-fit test, see summary.iqr and

The intercept can be excluded from formula, e.g., iqr(y ~ -1 + x). This, however, implies that when x = 0, y is always 0. See example 5 in ‘Examples’. The intercept can also be removed from formula.p. This is recommended if the data are bounded. For example, for strictly positive data, use iqr(y ~ 1, formula.p = -1 + slp(p,3)) to force the smallest quantile to be zero. See example 6 in ‘Examples’.


Gianluca Sottile [email protected]


Sottile G, Frumento P, Chiodi M, Bottai M. (2020). A penalized approach to covariate selection through quantile regression coefficient models. Statistical Modelling, 20(4), pp 369-385. doi:10.1177/1471082X19825523.

Frumento, P., and Bottai, M. (2016). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions. Biometrics, 72(1), pp 74-84, doi:10.1111/biom.12410.

Friedman, J., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2008). Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent. Journal of Statistical Software, Vol. 33(1), pp 1-22 Feb 2010.

See Also

summary.piqr, plot.piqr, predict.piqr, for summary, plotting, and prediction. gof.piqr to select the best value of the tuning parameter though AIC, BIC, GIC, GCV criteria.


##### Using simulated data in all examples

  ##### Example 1
  n <- 300
  x1 <- rexp(n)
  x2 <- runif(n, 0, 5)
  x <- cbind(x1,x2)

  b <- function(p){matrix(cbind(1, qnorm(p), slp(p, 2)), nrow=4, byrow=TRUE)}
  theta <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=4); theta[, 1] <- 1; theta[1,2] <- 1; theta[2:3,3] <- 2
  qy <- function(p, theta, b, x){rowSums(x * t(theta %*% b(p)))}

  y <- qy(runif(n), theta, b, cbind(1, x))

  s <- matrix(1, nrow=3, ncol=4); s[1,3:4] <- 0; s[2:3, 2] <- 0
  obj <- piqr(y ~ x1 + x2, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)) + slp(p, 2), s=s, nlambda=50)

  best <- gof.piqr(obj, method="AIC", plot=FALSE)
  best2 <- gof.piqr(obj, method="BIC", plot=FALSE)

  summary(obj, best$posMinLambda)
  summary(obj, best2$posMinLambda)

  ## Not run: 
  ##### other examples
  n <- 1000
  q <- 5
  k <- 3
  X <- matrix(abs(rnorm(n*q)), n, q)
  rownames(X) <- 1:n
  colnames(X) <- paste0("X", 1:q)
  theta <- matrix(c(3, 1.5, 1, 1,
                    2, 1, 1, 1,
                    0, 0, 0, 0,
                    0, 0, 0, 0,
                    1.5, 1, 1, 1,
                    0, 0, 0, 0),
                  ncol=(k+1), byrow=TRUE)
  rownames(theta) <- c("(intercept)", paste0("X", 1:q))
  colnames(theta) <- c("(intercept)", "slp(p,1)", "slp(p,2)", "slp(p,3)")
  B <- function(p, k){matrix(cbind(1, slp(p, k)), nrow=(k+1), byrow=TRUE)}
  Q <- function(p, theta, B, k, X){rowSums(X * t(theta %*% B(p, k)))}

  pp <- runif(n)
  y <- Q(p=pp, theta=theta, B=B, k=k, X=cbind(1, X))
  m1 <- piqr(y ~ X, formula.p = ~ slp(p, k))
  best1 <- gof.piqr(m1, method="AIC", plot=FALSE)
  best2 <- gof.piqr(m1, method="BIC", plot=FALSE)
  summary(m1, best1$posMinLambda)
  summary(m1, best2$posMinLambda)
  par(mfrow = c(1,3)); plot(m1, xvar="lambda");
                       plot(m1, xvar="objective"); plot(m1, xvar="grad")

  n <- 1000
  q <- 6
  k <- 4
  # x <- runif(n)
  X <- matrix(abs(rnorm(n*q)), n, q)
  rownames(X) <- 1:n
  colnames(X) <- paste0("X", 1:q)
  theta <- matrix(c(1, 2, 0, 0, 0,
                    2, 0, 1, 0, 0,
                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                    1, 0, 0, 1, -1.2,
                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                    1.5, 0, .5, 0, 0,
                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                  ncol=(k+1), byrow=TRUE)
  rownames(theta) <- c("(intercept)", paste0("X", 1:q))
  colnames(theta) <- c("(intercept)", "qnorm(p)", "p", "log(p)", "log(1-p)")
  B <- function(p, k){matrix(cbind(1, qnorm(p), p, log(p), log(1-p)), nrow=(k+1), byrow=TRUE)}
  Q <- function(p, theta, B, k, X){rowSums(X * t(theta %*% B(p, k)))}

  pp <- runif(n)
  y <- Q(p=pp, theta=theta, B=B, k=k, X=cbind(1, X))
  s <- matrix(1, q+1, k+1); s[2:(q+1), 2] <- 0; s[1, 3:(k+1)] <- 0; s[2:3, 4:5] <- 0
  s[4:5, 3] <- 0; s[6:7, 4:5] <- 0
  m2 <- piqr(y ~ X, formula.p = ~ qnorm(p) + p + I(log(p)) + I(log(1-p)), s=s)
  best1 <- gof.piqr(m2, method="AIC", plot=FALSE)
  best2 <- gof.piqr(m2, method="BIC", plot=FALSE)
  summary(m2, best1$posMinLambda)
  summary(m2, best2$posMinLambda)
  par(mfrow = c(1,3)); plot(m2, xvar="lambda");
                       plot(m2, xvar="objective"); plot(m2, xvar="grad")
## End(Not run)
  # see the documentation for 'summary.piqr', and 'plot.piqr'

Plot Nonlinear Quantile Regression Coefficients


Plots quantile regression coefficients β(θ,p)\beta(\theta, p) as a function of p, based on a fitted model of class “niqr”.


## S3 method for class 'niqr'
plot(x,, which=NULL, ask=TRUE, ...)



an object of class “niqr”, typically the result of a call to niqr.

logical. If TRUE, asymptotic 95% confidence intervals are added to the plot.


an optional numerical vector indicating which coefficient(s) to plot. If which = NULL, all coefficients are plotted.


logical. If which = NULL and ask = TRUE (the default), you will be asked interactively which coefficients to plot.


additional graphical parameters, that can include xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, col, lwd. See par.


Gianluca Sottile [email protected]

See Also

niqr for model fitting; testfit.niqr for goodness of fit test; summary.niqr and predict.niqr for model summary and prediction.


# using simulated data

n <- 300
x <- runif(n)
fun <- function(theta, p){
  beta0 <- theta[1] + exp(theta[2]*p)
  beta1 <- theta[3] + theta[4]*p
  cbind(beta0, beta1)}
beta <- fun(c(1,1,1,1), runif(n))
y <- beta[, 1] + beta[, 2]*x
model <- niqr(fun=fun, x0=rep(0, 4), X=cbind(1, x), y=y)

plot(model, ask=FALSE)

Plot Penalized Quantile Regression Coefficients


Produces a coefficient profile plot of the quantile regression coefficient paths for a fitted model of class “piqr”.


## S3 method for class 'piqr'
plot(x, xvar=c("lambda", "objective", "grad", "beta"), pos.lambda,
                    label=FALSE, which=NULL, ask=TRUE, polygon=TRUE, ...)



an object of class “piqr”, typically the result of a call to piqr.


What is on the X-axis. "lambda" against the log-lambda sequence, "objective" against the value of the minimized integrated loss function and "grad" the log-lambda sequence against the gradient. xvar = "beta" needs a lambda value to plot quantile regression coefficients β(pθ(λ))\beta(p | \theta(\lambda)) as a function of p, based on the fitted model of class “piqr


the position of a lambda in the sequence of the object of class “piqr”. Could be the best after selecting the result of a call to gof.piqr


If TRUE, label the curves with variable sequence numbers.


an optional numerical vector indicating which coefficient(s) to plot. If which = NULL, all coefficients are plotted.


logical. If which = NULL and ask = TRUE (the default), you will be asked interactively which coefficients to plot.


ogical. If TRUE, confidence intervals are represented by shaded areas via polygon. Otherwise, dashed lines are used.


additional graphical parameters, that can include xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, col, lwd. See par.


A coefficient profile plot is produced.


Gianluca Sottile [email protected]

See Also

piqr for model fitting; gof.piqr for the model selection criteria; summary.piqr and predict.piqr for model summary and prediction.


# using simulated data

  n <- 300
  x <- runif(n)
  qy <- function(p,x){p^2 + x*log(p)}
  # true quantile function: Q(p | x) = beta0(p) + beta1(p)*x, with
     # beta0(p) = p^2
     # beta1(p) = log(p)
  y <- qy(runif(n), x) # to generate y, plug uniform p in qy(p,x)

  obj <- piqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ slp(p,3), nlambda=50)
  best <- gof.piqr(obj, method="BIC", plot=FALSE)
  par(mfrow = c(1,3))
  plot(obj, xvar="lambda")
  plot(obj, xvar="objective")
  plot(obj, xvar="grad")
  par(mfrow=c(1,2));plot(obj, xvar="beta", pos.lambda=best$posMinLambda, ask=FALSE)
  # flexible fit with shifted Legendre polynomials

Prediction After Nonlinear Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling


Predictions from an object of class “niqr”.


## S3 method for class 'niqr'
predict(object, type=c("beta", "CDF", "QF", "sim"), newdata, p, ...)



an object of class “niqr”, the result of a call to niqr.


a character string specifying the type of prediction. See ‘Details’.


an optional data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, the data are used. For type = "CDF", it must include the response variable. Ignored if type = "beta".


a numeric vector indicating the order(s) of the quantile to predict. Only used if type = "beta" or type = "QF".


for future methods.


Different type of prediction from the model.


Prediction may generate quantile crossing if the support of the new covariates values supplied in newdata is different from that of the observed data.


Gianluca Sottile [email protected]

See Also

niqr, for model fitting; testfit.niqr, to do goodness of fit test; summary.niqr and plot.niqr, for summarizing and plotting niqr objects.


# using simulated data

n <- 300
x <- runif(n)
fun <- function(theta, p){
  beta0 <- theta[1] + exp(theta[2]*p)
  beta1 <- theta[3] + theta[4]*p
  cbind(beta0, beta1)}
beta <- fun(c(1,1,1,1), runif(n))
y <- beta[, 1] + beta[, 2]*x
model <- niqr(fun=fun, x0=rep(0, 4), X=cbind(1,x), y=y)

# predict beta(0.25), beta(0.5), beta(0.75)
predict(model, type = "beta", p = c(0.25,0.5, 0.75))

# predict the CDF and the PDF at new values of x and y
predict(model, type = "CDF",
        newdata = data.frame(X1=runif(3), y = c(1,2,3)))

# computes the quantile function at new x, for p = (0.25,0.5,0.75)
predict(model, type = "QF", p = c(0.25,0.5,0.75),
        newdata = data.frame(X1=runif(3), y = c(1,2,3)))

# simulate data from the fitted model
ysim <- predict(model, type = "sim") # 'newdata' can be supplied

# if the model is correct, the distribution of y and that of ysim should be similar
qy <- quantile(y, prob = seq(.1,.9,.1))
qsim <- quantile(ysim, prob = seq(.1,.9,.1))
plot(qy, qsim); abline(0,1)

Prediction After Penalized Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling


Predictions from an object of class “piqr”, after selecting the best tuning parameter.


## S3 method for class 'piqr'
predict(object, pos.lambda, type=c("beta", "CDF", "QF", "sim"), newdata,
                       p, se=TRUE, ...)



an object of class “piqr”, the result of a call to piqr.


the positiion of a lambda in the sequence of the object of class “piqr”. Could be the best after selecting the result of a call to gof.piqr


a character string specifying the type of prediction. See ‘Details’.


an optional data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, the data are used. For type = "CDF", it must include the response variable. Ignored if type = "beta".


a numeric vector indicating the order(s) of the quantile to predict. Only used if type = "beta" or type = "QF".


logical. If TRUE (the default), standard errors of the prediction will be computed. Only used if type = "beta" or type = "QF".


for future methods.


If the best lambda or one value of lambda is chosen, the function call predict.iqr.


See details in predict.iqr


Prediction may generate quantile crossing if the support of the new covariates values supplied in newdata is different from that of the observed data.


Gianluca Sottile [email protected]

See Also

piqr, for model fitting; gof.piqr, to find the best lambda value; summary.piqr and plot.piqr, for summarizing and plotting piqr objects.


# using simulated data

n <- 300
x1 <- rexp(n)
x2 <- runif(n, 0, 5)
x <- cbind(x1,x2)

b <- function(p){matrix(cbind(1, qnorm(p), slp(p, 2)), nrow=4, byrow=TRUE)}
theta <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=4); theta[, 1] <- 1; theta[1,2] <- 1; theta[2:3,3] <- 2
qy <- function(p, theta, b, x){rowSums(x * t(theta %*% b(p)))}

y <- qy(runif(n), theta, b, cbind(1, x))

s <- matrix(1, nrow=3, ncol=4); s[1,3:4] <- 0
obj <- piqr(y ~ x1 + x2, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)) + slp(p, 2), s=s, nlambda=50)

best <- gof.piqr(obj, method="AIC", plot=FALSE)

# predict beta(0.25), beta(0.5), beta(0.75)
predict(obj, best$posMinLambda, type = "beta", p = c(0.25,0.5, 0.75))

# predict the CDF and the PDF at new values of x and y
predict(obj, best$posMinLambda, type = "CDF",
        newdata = data.frame(x1=rexp(3), x2=runif(3), y = c(1,2,3)))

# computes the quantile function at new x, for p = (0.25,0.5,0.75)
predict(obj, best$posMinLambda, type = "QF", p = c(0.25,0.5,0.75),
        newdata = data.frame(x1=rexp(3), x2=runif(3), y = c(1,2,3)))

# simulate data from the fitted model
ysim <- predict(obj, best$posMinLambda, type = "sim") # 'newdata' can be supplied

# if the model is correct, the distribution of y and that of ysim should be similar
qy <- quantile(y, prob = seq(.1,.9,.1))
qsim <- quantile(ysim, prob = seq(.1,.9,.1))
plot(qy, qsim); abline(0,1)

Summary After Nonlinear Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling


Summary of an object of class “niqr”.


## S3 method for class 'niqr'
summary(object, p, ...)



an object of class “niqr”, the result of a call to niqr.


an optional vector of quantiles.


for future methods.


A summary of the model is printed.


Gianluca Sottile [email protected]

See Also

niqr, for model fitting; testfit.niqr, for goodness of fit test; predict.niqr and plot.niqr, for predicting and plotting objects of class “niqr”.


n <- 300
x <- runif(n)
fun <- function(theta, p){
  beta0 <- theta[1] + exp(theta[2]*p)
  beta1 <- theta[3] + theta[4]*p
  cbind(beta0, beta1)}
beta <- fun(c(1,1,1,1), runif(n))
y <- beta[, 1] + beta[, 2]*x
model <- niqr(fun=fun, x0=rep(0, 4), X=cbind(1,x), y=y)

summary(model, p=c(.01,.05))

Summary After Penalized Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling


Summary of an object of class “piqr”, after selecting the best tuning parameter.


## S3 method for class 'piqr'
summary(object, pos.lambda, SE=FALSE, p, cov=FALSE, ...)



an object of class “piqr”, the result of a call to piqr.


the position of a lambda in the sequence of the object of class “piqr”. Could be the best after selecting the result of a call to gof.piqr


if TRUE standard errors are printed. Standard errors are computed through sandwich formula only for the regularized parameters.


an optional vector of quantiles.


ff TRUE, the covariance matrix of β(p)\beta(p) is reported. Ignored if p is missing.


for future methods.


If the best lambda or one value of lambda is chosen a summary of the selected model is printed.


See details in summary.iqr


Gianluca Sottile [email protected]

See Also

piqr, for model fitting; gof.piqr, to find the best lambda value; predict.piqr and plot.piqr, for predicting and plotting objects of class “piqr”.


# using simulated data

n <- 300
x1 <- rexp(n)
x2 <- runif(n, 0, 5)
x <- cbind(x1,x2)

b <- function(p){matrix(cbind(1, qnorm(p), slp(p, 2)), nrow=4, byrow=TRUE)}
theta <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=4); theta[, 1] <- 1; theta[1,2] <- 1; theta[2:3,3] <- 2
qy <- function(p, theta, b, x){rowSums(x * t(theta %*% b(p)))}

y <- qy(runif(n), theta, b, cbind(1, x))

s <- matrix(1, nrow=3, ncol=4); s[1,3:4] <- 0
obj <- piqr(y ~ x1 + x2, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)) + slp(p, 2), s=s, nlambda=50)

best <- gof.piqr(obj, method="AIC", plot=FALSE)
best2 <- gof.piqr(obj, method="BIC", plot=FALSE)

summary(obj, best$posMinLambda)
summary(obj, best2$posMinLambda)

Goodness-of-Fit Test


Goodness-of-fit test for a model fitted with niqr. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic and the Cramer-Von Mises statistic are computed. Their distribution under the null hypothesis is estimated with Monte Carlo (see ‘Details’).


testfit.niqr(obj, R = 100)



an object of class “niqr”.


number of Monte Carlo replications.


This function permits assessing goodness of fit by testing the null hypothesis that the CDF values follow a U(0,1)U(0,1) distribution, indicating that the model is correctly specified. Since the CDF values depend on estimated parameters, the distribution of the test statistic is not known. To evaluate it, the model is fitted on R simulated datasets generated under the null hypothesis.


a matrix with columns statistic and p.value, reporting the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramer-Von Mises statistic and the associated p-values evaluated with Monte Carlo.


Gianluca Sottile [email protected]


Frumento, P., and Bottai, M. (2015). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions. Biometrics, doi: 10.1111/biom.12410.


n <- 300
x <- runif(n)
fun <- function(theta, p){
  beta0 <- theta[1] + exp(theta[2]*p)
  beta1 <- theta[3] + theta[4]*p
  cbind(beta0, beta1)}
beta <- fun(c(1,1,1,1), runif(n))
y <- beta[, 1] + beta[, 2]*x
model <- niqr(fun=fun, x0=rep(0, 4), X=cbind(1,x), y=y)
## Not run: testfit.niqr(model, R=100)